Selection process

What does the selection process look like in our company

You read our advert – you reply – we look at your CV – we get back to you – we arrange a face-to-face meeting – we invite you to AC – we make an offer – and then the final decision is yours, we’ve already made it.our advert – you reply – we look at your CV – we get back to you – we arrange a face-to-face meeting – we invite you to AC – we make an offer – and then the final decision is yours, we’ve already made it.

  • Our first meeting will be in person or online via Teams. Let’s get to know each other and find out if we are on the same page.
  • AC (Assessment Center) or group interviews are not popular with people, but we always get positive feedback on ours.
  • Our group interview consists of a mutual introduction, a group assignment and a specific case study that the managers will create for the given position. This will give you an opportunity to get an idea of what the position might entail. We, in turn, will see the areas in which we could help you.


In case you are worried about how to dress, choose a dress code in which you would like to come to work in our company every day.

We are trying to create a benefit for everyone in the selection process.

Whether we choose you or you choose us, you will always get feedback from us. Psychodiagnosis is part of our selection process. And if you agree to that, we’ll be happy to stay in touch with you, no matter how it turns out.

Our selection process is not structured in such a way that only we draw from it. We care about it being mutually beneficial.

The first meeting is a mutual conversation for us. AC is again a space where you have the opportunity to practically familiarize yourself with the given position. Psychodiagnostics is part of our selection process. We will always let you know the results and guide you through them.

Questions you are likely to hear from us

Questions like “Does pineapple belong on pizza?” or “How many balls can fit in the car?” don’t expect.

Questions that you can calmly and responsibly prepare for are:

– What was it about our ad that caught your attention enough to respond?

– Why are we interesting to you as an employer?

– What is important to you at work and what should we know?

– What activities make you feel like a fish in water?

Who is involved in the selection process?

  • HR team members
  • Hiring manager (your potential line manager)
  • During the selection process, you may also meet one of the team members
  • In some cases, the department director